IconHandle A handle to another section that provides more information on the current singer.

Currently known Types and their respective properties are listed below. The properties differ depending on the value of the Type property. The ID#XXXX sections contain information about a particular VOCALOID2-specific command. Each property in the EventList section is a number that corresponds to the time at which to issue the event, and is assigned a value of ID#XXXX where XXXX is a four-digit, zero-based index of an event group described in the following section. They outline the Vocaloid-specific commands that are being sent. The EventList section, and the following ID# sections, are the most important parts of the VSQ file. Set to 1 if all tracks (except this and other tracks that have Solo# set to 1) should be muted. The # is the zero-based index of the track on which to apply the panning.

This article will attempt to document the INI sections and properties that are used in the VOCALOID2 VSQ file format. This format was replaced by VOCALOID3's VSQX file format, which can save more data and VOCALOID3-engine-specific details. The basic format of INI sections and properties are discussed in the relevant Wikipedia article.
The actual vocal data is stored in the file as a series of MIDI "text" messages that, when concatenated, form an INI document. The Standard MIDI file format is described in the official specification.
It is based off the Standard MIDI and Windows INI file formats. The Voice Sequence (.VSQ) file format is the file format used to store musical note and vocal data for the VOCALOID2 software. The following is a tutorial made for VOCALOID fans by fellow VOCALOID fans.

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